Doctors went on strike today after the shocking murder of a young doctor in Galkayo. In a shocking incident on Saturday, armed assailants brutally murdered Dr. Zakaria Jama at his workplace, Al-Haramayn Clinic. CCTV captured the assassination, shedding light on the horrifying circumstances surrounding the crime.
Galkayo, Mudug region, Puntland, SOMALIA. By Dalmar:
The CCTV footage revealed that armed individuals entered the clinic, engaging in a conversation with the young medical professional and a female receptionist. Suddenly, armed with an AK47, a third assailant burst into the clinic and fatally shot Dr. Jama after a short interaction with his other two accomplices. Adding to the horror, one of the other two men approached the injured doctor and, while he was already down on the floor, callously shot him again with a pistol. The three assailants then fled the scene. Disturbingly, reports suggest that two of the attackers wore police uniforms.
The prevailing reports from Galkayo indicate that the doctor’s murder is believed to be an act of clan revenge. In recent months, the city has witnessed a surge in tribal-related assassinations. Some sources have indicated that the assailants may have been related as brothers.
Persisting clan-based violence in Galkayo
Galkayo has grappled with the persistent issue of civilian killings carried out by individuals seeking revenge or addressing clan grievances. While the overall security situation in Galkayo has improved, with the Puntland government making considerable efforts to maintain stability, these clan clashes persist, posing a threat of escalating into more significant clan conflicts.
In response to the tragic loss of Dr. Jama, medical professionals in Galkayo staged a strike today, expressing their outrage. They carried a poignant banner that read, “We have the tools to cure you, and you have the tools to kill us.” The horrific crime serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to address the root causes of clan violence. More must be done to promote peace and security in Galkayo and beyond.
Read also: Clan feuds unleashed: 5 children murdered along Somalia-Ethiopia border