On Monday, a violent Leelkase–Sa’ad clash broke out in a remote area on the outskirts of Galdogob in the Mudug region. Tragically, the conflict resulted in the loss of over 20 lives and numerous injuries on both sides. The potential involvement of the Somali National Army (SNA) further complicates efforts to find a lasting resolution for the affected communities.
Dalsan, Galdogob district, Mudug region, Puntland, SOMALIA. By Dalmar:
Initial reports suggest that an act of retribution triggered the conflict. Several days ago, a Sa’ad (Sacad) clan member killed an individual from the Leelkase. In retaliation, the Leelkase clan members killed four Sa’ad clan members. The situation escalated into a full-scale war when the Sa’ad, with reinforcements from Bandiiradley, launched an offensive against the Leelkase in the Dalsan area.
There are allegations of the SNA support for the Sa’ad side, including the provision of weaponry and personnel. The potential involvement of the SNA would further complicate efforts to find a lasting peaceful resolution.
The Somali Digest could not independently verify the accuracy of the allegation. However, it is noteworthy that in Galmudug, the SNA operates along clan lines. Clan militias have been integrated into the SNA or Galmudug’s regional forces. During clan conflicts, elements within the SNA may align with their respective clans and participate in hostilities.
Conflict resolution efforts
One potential strategy for resolving these clan clashes involves the establishment of clear territorial boundaries for each clan. By defining these boundaries and holding clans accountable for any violations, those responsible for initiating conflicts can be readily identified, thus mitigating further damage and unrest.
In response to the situation, the Vice President of Puntland, Ahmed Karaash, engaged in a telephone conversation with Galmudug President Ahmed Abdi Kariye ‘Qoorqoor’. They have mutually agreed to collaborate in resolving the conflict and have decided to dispatch committees from both governments to the affected areas to restore stability.
Additionally, the governments have formed joint forces from Mudug (representing both Puntland and Galmudug) and deployed them as peacekeepers between the warring communities.