Yesterday, a massive explosion rocked the Buloburde market, killing at least five people, injuring others and causing significant damage. The blast, produced by a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED), occurred as security forces pursued the car.
Buloburde, Hiran region, HirShabelle, SOMALIA. By Dalmar:
Although no group has officially claimed responsibility, suspicion immediately fell on the notorious extremist organization, al-Shabaab. The absence of a claim is consistent with past incidents when the group’s operatives failed to reach their intended targets and/or caused significant civilian casualties.
The SVBIED approached the market from the city’s west side, crossing a bridge to the east before detonating amidst the crowded marketplace. Eyewitnesses reported that security forces engaged the vehicle, attempting to prevent the impending disaster. Despite their efforts, the explosion resulted in casualties and extensive damage to a local market and its surroundings.
The blast occurred days after a truck bombing on Saturday in the central town of Beledweyne killed 21 people, demolishing buildings and injuring dozens.
A similar attack in Dhuusamareeb
Yesterday’s tragic incident occurred the same day as another assault by al-Shabaab involving an SVBIED. The militants attacked Dhuusamareeb with two car bombs in the morning. The attack raised concerns about the safety of Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who has been using Dhuusamareeb as his base for the past two months.
In a press release, al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack and stated that they had killed 16 security personnel while injuring 14 others. They also reported destroying military vehicles guarding the presidential palace in Dhuusamareeb. However, the group often exaggerates its battlefield claims.
The Somali government has provided limited information about the incident. The government media only said that its troops foiled the attack without giving further details. “A major terror plot foiled by security forces in Dhuusamareeb. Two cars packed with explosives were intercepted and neutralized before they could enter the city,” the Somali National News Agency (SONNA) wrote on X (Twitter) yesterday.